Scribe's a Store

Tuesday, 16 February 2010


Mo Town hit band The Temptations sang the song "Beauty's only skin deep yeah yeah yeah".

Those words resonate deeply more and more everyday with me in 2010, as i face new horizons. I've always admired Beauty in women, been the number one fan of aesthetics.I have had very beautiful woman as friends and acquaintances for most of my life. Like most men, great looks have been a desire in a love interest, but these days it has dropped further down the totem pole , not discarded, but it holds less relevance in balance to other important factors.

Experience has taught me that a beauty is the least thing to consider. Solomon the world's wisest man, and also owner of a 700 strong harem a beautiful woman without discretion is like a gold ring in a pig's snout " .He then went on to talk about the Proverbs 31 woman. Given is wisdom and vast experience on the topic ,I think he's a man that knows what he's talking about.

I've seen a beautiful woman turn to a fire breathing banshee right before my eyes .WHY?? For the first time in 5 years after receiving nothing but constant complements,support and constant praise from in our friendship ,i finally asked her to work on a recurring vice which was a hindrance to our friendship and her relationship with others. Others had complained about it , but were afraid to bring it to her attention. This vice had caused friction for many years personally and professionally.

Upon mentioning it, She blew her stack and after launching an assault with a verbal meat cleaver, which would had made

Nightmare on Elm Street Movie (Freddy Kruger Close-Up) Poster Print - 24" X 36"
Freddy Kruger shiver,

HOW DARE YOU!!!,  she proceeded to tell me where to shove my concerns and cut me off. Never heard from her again.

Could i have structured by appeal a bit different, probably, was my approach a little bit inciting , maybe. But a friendship ended based on a request to discard a vice??. Makes me question if it truly was a friendship, and not a  "piss me off and you're gone", contract.

A great personality on the surface had hidden a lack of character, and the skin deep beauty, stripped away to reveal a vindictive and ugly trait that spit venom when things did not go her way. This happens with men too , the charmer suddenly becomes a wife beater, or verbal abuser. The handsome devil, key word being DEVIL, suddenly reveals his horns.

Don't get too carried away with personality ,closely examine a person's character and stay far away from those that refuse to be corrected and wear their vices like a merit badge to be proud of.

Male or Female ,Beauty(Great Looks) and Personality are subject to depreciation depending on time and circumstances. Beauty will fade or become you will become jaded with it, and someone hotter will always be round the corner. Think about it, Look what happened to Halle Berry and Eric Bennet. How many times did Elizabeth Taylor marry, more than 5 times, and she was one of the most beautiful women to ever grace movie screens. Beauty can't sustain a relationship. Neither will money, look at the number of marriages Donald Trump has had.

Personality is like cotton candy, it tastes good but offers no substance or nutrition.  You enjoy it, but it can't help you heal when you're hurting or grow from tough circumstance. Personality is important, but the not the end all.

CHARACTER on the other hand;like fine wine grows in the midst of those very same circumstances. Character is that palm tree in Florida that survives the hurricanes and comes out stronger, while personality either; collapses, runs for cover or disappears at the first sign of adversity and rarely comes out better from that experience.

Beyond human beauty, this applies to other aspects of life. A house might be beautiful on the outside, but on the inside, the walls are cracking, the electrical work is badly insulated and the plumbing is leaking. People driving by would go "WOW ,what a beautiful house, you're so lucky" only those that actually invested emotions,finances  and actually in that house would know the raw deal the of un-investigated beauty pays.

There will be business deals( relationship), that are a sweet deal on the surface, maybe even genuinely. But if we are dealing with a person that lack integrity, and believes  "the end justifies the means, use any and all means necessary" . We only have ourselves to blame when unpleasant things happen.

1 comment:

  1. I am pretty sure provides 31 wasn't written by solomon. Read that book like a million and 1 times; very sure it wasn't by him. I might be wrong but check and correct If I am right.
