Scribe's a Store

Friday, 5 March 2010


                                                                                                -Mode 9

I want to marry a Godly man/woman who will love and respect me, so i'll go out with anyone who asks me, as long as they are cute. They may lack character,integrity desire for Holiness and any form of Godliness,we may have no future beyond the next 6 months  but wow they're  gorgeous and that is all that matters.

I want to have a really intimate and special sex life when i get married with, really special just between the two of us, so i'll sleep with everyone i date on the way to marriage. i need all the practice , comparisons and unwanted memories i can gather and bring into our marriage bed, brilliant recipe for Marital Bliss, don't you think.

You're a great friend thank you for the kind words, complements and praise you shower me with, I'm overwhelmed no one appreciates me like you do , Huh, Did i hear you just  chastise me peasant, suggest a correction you simpleton , OFF WITH HIS HEAD

I am a child of God and my life is in his hands, i pray to him and believe him for my future,family, business success ,career promotion and safety, but when it comes to business, the end justifies the means, cut whatever corners, necessary. AND as for dating!!!, Put the Bible aside,pragmatism is King, pick up Harlequin ,Tabloids,turn on E,the soaps they have more pleasant and fun advice to give.

I'm a "christian", i attend church and believe in the Lord, but you really are naive to expect purity, modesty or chastity in this 21st century world, where's the fun in that, besides ,it's just not realistic,are u not getting any?? As for me, Not ,getting laid!!!, puh leez body no be wood


I'm always here for you, i've got your back all the way,   but just don't expect me to support what you put your blood ,sweat and tears into , strangers can do that.Im really busy with petty things,and i reserve my right to complain about that POST IT  you left on my door telling me to come support your performance.

I miss you, you make me feel good about me, but now you're speaking, you're really excited. For once,the conversation is not about me, your  concentration has stopped  orbiting me for these few seconds ,So now im bored  prattle on ,as i go search for my next attention fix,stand there as i walk past/away from you and turn you into the invisible man/woman, i can't stand not being the center of everyone's universe, every moment of everyday.

I  worry about you ,i really think you need to  relax adjust to accommodate , other peoples nuances and idiosyncrasies.Thanks for heeding my concerns i say it cos i care  WHATTT!!!, How dare you, who are you to ask me to change, i love being cynical, it gives me an edge,, goodbye ,have a nice life

I claim the promises of God, the cattle on the hills are mine, Solomon, was wealthy, Abraham's blessing are mine, Jabez and i are kindred spirits . God wants me to be rich, my God is a rich God, how can he have poor kids Take up a Cross!!!, What cross, OH ,that one. Sorry i have a bad back, no heavy lifting, doctor's orders. Whose Kingdom come?? What about MY Kingdom come??? Deny myself!!!,I just found myself,come back in a few decades.  Follow who? Go into what world, sorry, too much commitment ,  i'll have to pass...... ,catch you later, i have to go sign a 10 year contract..i'll make a donation though

 I like talking to you, it's really feels good to have a friend like you ,someone  i can share my heart with,and all these years you've been there. BUT You're irrelevant, immediately someone i just met fires off my hormones,i'll ignore you ,disappear for months and tell you bluntly how insignificant this platonic friendship means to me in exchange for a whirlwind romance that will have me coming back to cry on your shoulder

I want to have pure thoughts, intentions about the opposite sex and not have to constantly battle lust, so i'll fuel it by watching TV  shows & movies that trivialize sex and mock chastity, show gratuitous scenes and people prancing around in their birthdays suits. I'll listen to music that glorifies bed hopping by artists that can't stay off drugs or in a relationship.I'll date people that are temptation on legs whose only feelings for me are the one's north of their belt line.

I'm a christian , i love God and i believe the Bible , but  the fickle ever changing  "values" of what  is socially acceptable overrules that book ,which btw is over 2000 years old, and was written by men.  

It condemns what??  What's a living sacrifice?   Did  1st Corinthians 6 :9 really say that? 

That's all semantics and obviously something got lost in translation, those are modern words from our generation and not the original Hebrew, so you have no proof that is disapproves certain orientations and lifestyles

Point it out, show me the scripture that says i can't smoke, drink,dress,talks act sensually , cuss like i wanna, and shack up with my lover, have consensual sex, these are modern times, and that's an ancient book that contradicts it's self.

1 comment:

  1. very well said olu.. i could relate with some of them.. so true!
