Scribe's a Store

Thursday, 18 March 2010


People often question and challenge me about my "unrealistic" ideals on chastity, relationships,integrity and a bunch of other things. Some say i'm naive or delusion.

They Say: That's the ideal, but this is the way it is   
Likely Reality: It's regret speaking or maybe even an excuse to justify their failures or intended failure to live to those standards.

They Say: You can't  except chastity/integrity/character  from .................. this is the 21st century I Think: Based on that theory , by the 23rd Century , what will people then say about the few ideals that you do believe in right now. Is the a statute of limitations on virtue or truth??

They Say: You can't expect anyone to live up to those ideals -   Then i think What's the alternative, Have no ideals?

They Say:You'll end up alone if you expect such ideals from anyone I Think: If you stand for nothing you'll fall for anything, best to shoot for the moon, and if you miss at least you'll land amongst the stars

Or one variation or another of those messages. Im not a perfect person(not using it as an excuse), so i'm not seeking perfection from anyone, but i do like to believe that people should live what they believe and claim.

Eg A person that claims Christianity, should live according to Christ's creed, and not allow what is socially acceptable or what the crowd does to determine the choices you make in character, integrity, relationships,sexuality, social interaction etc

I finally found the answer for them culled from a Joshua Harris Book.

"Ideals are like stars, we will not succeed in touching them with our hands ,but by following them like the seafaring man on the ocean,we will reach our destiny"


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